
Prefix: =

Basic Commands

Command Has Arguments Arguments Expected Output
=hello No   Hello, World!
=help Yes bot, math, misc An embed showing the arguments you can pass to it to learn more about the other commands


Command Has Arguments Arguments Expected Output
=invite No   Gives invite links to the support server and for the bot
=info No   Gives info about this bot and other other techinical information


Command Has Arguments Arguments Expected Output
=statistics Yes @user, user_id Gives an embed showing your statistics (if you leave the arguments blank) or someone else’s statistics
=tex Yes tex statement Returns a rendered LaTeX statement
=amc10 Yes easy, medium, hard Gives an AMC10 problem of the selected difficulty
=amc12 Yes easy, medium, hard Gives an AMC12 problem of the selected difficulty
=aime No   Gives a random AIME I or II problem
=cmo No   Returns a random CMO problem.
=fetch Yes contest_name year [contest id, optional] problem_number Fetches a problem from the specified path
=last5 Yes contest_name Returns the last 5 questions from a specified contest
=random No   Returns a random problem
=leaderboard Yes amount of users Shows the leaderboard for the server with a specified amount of users. If it is not given, the default is 10.


Command Has Arguments Arguments Expected Output
=suggest Yes your message Allows you to make a feature suggestion or any suggestion. Needs you to complete a captcha
=report Yes your message Allows you to make a bug report or any report on an issue. Needs you to complete a captcha
=runcode Yes language code Runs code from different languages.